What's going on with the Qatar world cup... If the stadium tells u not to show PDA then don't and watch the game, if the government is a retrograde in things then DON'T visit... Why force change everyone to your liking... Hate this crystal generation that get offended and want to force feed you their beliefs
reading through comments in this thread just reminds me it's sometimes hard to distinguish far left from far right...
Interesting... What about these comments reveal a "right" or "left"? It seems like they are just pointing out that nation states all across the world commit horrific crimes. We just choose to focus on some, and give others a casual pass
Yeah, that's why I didn't go there.
No beers, no parties, no fun.
No wonder the stadiums are half empty...
The matches have been great though!
If we banned all sporting events in countries with ANY human rights violations, we would no longer have any sporting events. 🤣🤣
Never said banning it though.
Happy to see the world cup on TV, just not happy to travel there with all their restrictions.
Exactly American “wars” have killed so many innocent people yet people love the NBA and NFL
Is this also astroturfing? Qatar is a corrupt government that is wayy behind on human rights. Everyone should be able to do what they want unless it infringes on others.
Western liberalism = forcing your beliefs on everyone and calling those who disagree a bigot 🤣
вирус так работает. он будет везде...