Why can the right to private property, although at first it seems an abstract idea, claim to be the legitimate foundation of any civilization?
The answer is obvious: imagine a society, ideally a classical communist-dictatorial one, in which every form of ownership of the means of production and resources is centralized in the hands of the state. The resulting economic, ethical and aesthetic impoverishment of a society and its individuals can be precisely observed in examples such as North Korea Cuba or Venezuela even in our present day.
But why is this so? People strive for things, which they themselves can transfer into your property, only in this case you invest time, money, efforts. Only then, when something belongs to you, do they take risks to improve their situation. Incentives, good investors know this, control the world! And so people possess a higher incentive to strive for the things which they can control themselves, which they can improve substantially and qualitatively, which they can option in this way for the benefit of the general public on free markets.
Bitcoin is the preliminary optimization of this fundamental principle. Well secured on a cold wallet, Bitcoin is exactly what it should be and what humanity should always strive for and indeed does strive for: free availability of economic energy in the hands of the individual. Energy that we thus make available to the most diverse purposes in an energetically secured network of economic transactions.
On this decentralized ledger system, the important services of finance, the economy of tomorrow, are already being worked out today. Whoever enters for Bitcoin, makes himself strong for private property and individual liberties. Values that I will uphold at all times and that I hope will have a great future in the name of humanity.
если твоя ДНК самая хитрая умная быстрая логическая, тебе стоит продлить ее существование... Как сильно нужно хотеть жить что б придумать биткоин и дать шанс самым проворливым это осознать?
Если сработает то можно обеспечить свое поколение на несколько 100летий в будущее!
Биткоин= инструкция