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Since Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter, the global media sector has been on the move. Taboos are being torn down, power structures hidden by the fiat system exposed.
If our current financial system relies on inflation to survive, and if we know that inflation is a form of theft of citizens' purchasing power, by the existing money cartel backed by lawmakers as well as the media, how ethical and sustainable can a system be that reproduces itself again and again from within itself solely through the combined forces of banks, politicians and flanking media, captivating with growing volatility in each new credit cycle and claiming a growing number of financial victims? Rent seekers are those who understand this credit cycle and know how to harness it for themselves at the expense of the many.
Those who publicly expose the systemically integrated Cantillon Effect are doing a great service to humanity and our children's future. It is precisely this idea that a man like Elon Musk, perhaps I am mistaken here as well, is apparently trying to break this cartel of opinion by taking over Twitter.
Let's hope that soon other media tycoons will follow his example and desist from the deliberate manipulation of public opinion, which serves only one purpose: to shore up the existing power structures, which are essentially a derivative of the existing fiat banking system.