What music do people listen to whilst working?
I'll start -
I listen to a lot of prog rock/metal and have a bunch of it downloaded. Because this genre is far less repetitive than most other genres and contains a lot of instrumental parts, it's great for me to listen to while working.
Silence ahaha hard for me to work and listen to music can’t concentrate
Same here. It didn't always used to be that way. In college and early in my career a little metallica even not only didn't seem to hurt my ability to concentrate, but it seemed to enhance it.
I haven't had a lot of success maintaining focus on work while listening to music. At best with classical or ambiant music. voices, especially highly active, and when singing english, distract me soooo much.
The original comment motivated me to find some music I could work to. I found this pleasant hour long mix by a guy named Chris Luno by searching google for deep house.