Beautiful people!
Finally have some time between work, kids, trying to get a master, and other generic life things to provide an update.
So Ive processed my first big payout if about 60 dollars depending on price.
I only play in the mornings before work and dont work in a major city, so I am pretty happy with 60 dollars in extra sats for just taking a walk through my local area.
If centralized exchanges arent your thing( they shouldnt be) they have promised am alternate way to uphold for recieving in-game crytpo but I wouldnt hold my breath.
Honestly I just play it for the Bitcoin but the discord is very active and the game does implement a lot of changes so I definitely recommend giving it a try if you want to get outside more.
Its like poor man's Pokemon go but with a financial reward.
The Negatives
There is not much to the game outside of walk to get keys, and answer trivia. You can change your cubie(character) by unlocking more I buying them from the shop but it doesnt change the game much.
You also build vaults for trivia so if you live in a well populated area with dedicated players, more money. Rural no players, significantly yes.
I generally have enjoyed it and it encourages me to get out take a walk while listening to a podcast! I'll keep you updated and let me know if you have any questions.