If you think of the economic process as a highly complex transformation of energy, layered in social black boxes we hardly can understand and estimate, You really should be worried that a growing part is stranded energy in the hands of state actors. Its parked there without transforming more energy for improving society. Its a loss we can depreciate from our common balance sheet.
Can Filipinos join Bitcoin?Can Filipinos own Bitcoin?Can interested Filipinos contribute to Bitcoin Community?Why is it being so difficult for Filipinos to get answers with such questions?
It's really quite easy. You can download Lightning App and start saving in Bitcoin without any problems at any place of the world. Watch for bridges like ATMs for example.
A Bitcoin LN rails wallet made with the Philippines first https://pouch.ph Maybe it's possible to be involved with them. They are working to onboard local businesses.
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It will take time. But it's possible.
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