On the Podcasting 2.0 apps, you can stream sats, which nobody can see how much you give. In addition, you can give a boost. (a comment attatched to some sats.) This way, you can express that you value this comment or question being viewed by creator. Sometimes, the creator returns the favor by reading some boosts "on-air," further encouraging the listener to boost in a cycle of value being given in exchange for increased connection between listener and creator.
In SN, there is no way for the reader to incentivize an increased amount of interaction between the creator and himself. The tips are done anonymously. I'm not sure, but this might end up in content creators getting less sats.
I would spend more time answering a question that gave me 10,000 sats than one that gave me 10 sats. Since the creator never finds out who gave him how many sats, he answers as if they all gave equally, giving the reader less incentive to tip more than any one else is.
The creators who are most successful in a V4V model are ones that truly connect with those that (actively) value them. In the current model, the specific users who are doing the valuing are hidden.
on the other hand, could an environment with visible tips get weird?
-Someone could get upset at a poster for not showing "enough" attention to their question or comment?
-Users with less sats might feel unimportant? -High rollers acting privileged? -High value thoughts, with small tips getting overlooked for low-value thoughts offering large tips?
More importantly, like in the legacy advertisement model, it would give donors leverage in their ability to control creators' speech.
You eliminate this problem by preserving the anonymity of the donors.
Tips should only serve as a signal for our collective values and preferences.
I often listen to podcasts in my car, while driving so I can not boost as I drive
I think you're overthinking it a little. Stuff incentivizes itself on a free market basis in both. That's good.
мы просто пишем друг другу.! понимаю что 1 сат это мелочь. в будушем это станет той единицей за которую можно год трудиться...
Is this spam?
не могу сказать верно... но тебе стоит опасаться и проверять!