Lightning is bitcoin—end of the story. The end user should never consider the differentiation between the payment methods. Wallets should call the shots and do the calculations on which payment method to pick
This is irresponsible at best and malicious at worst.
Users absolutely need to be educated on the ramifications of using each and they should have full control over those choices. I know that isn’t convenient for adoption, but come on… we’re going to screw over grandma now so number goes up?
Convenience is king, and the simplest solution will win. i f Bitcoin's usage can't be simplified it won't be used. I think it's unfortunate, but that's how it is. For people that want to take control, they should be able to. It's all open source protocols, and noone is stopping you from implementing software that allows for more control.
I agree that the simplest solution will win. And for Bitcoin, that means a privacy disaster on a global scale. Butlerian Jihad seems not far off in that case.