Went to a shitcoin meet up and was the exact opposite....let people speak gave truth and all I got in return was negativity 🙃 was pretty rude...but the thing is with bitcoin we can continue to kick the can down the road where the road for others ends...at points you do have to let that toxicity out just to point out the lies and deceptions that have been placed in the psyches of others...nobody said it would be easy and we too face this toxicity..what did come out of it was one lady heard me speaking reached out and is more interested in learning than being shilled to there is a difference 👌 the best article I've read is the remnant talks how Isaiah was sent to a city to tell the message and he asked God what if the people don't like it or I change it up God responded the message is supposed to be said how it was spoken the ones that are meant to hear the message will hear the message!