This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Uff-da! got taken down.
That means suddenly there are a lot of link posts and comments on SN which as of now have a dead link.
How do people send small stuff between their computer <-> phone? Do you just gmail yourself links/files like I do? (PC) It seems like there should be a smarter way...
With Telegram
For text, links, etc., paste to your Saved Messages account (pin it so it is always at the top on both devices. When you are done, delete the message (except for at least one because without any messages it gets unpinned).
If it is a file, you can upload using Attach (paper clip icon).
You can paste an image and it will be available on the other device, but I think Telegram resizes it or does something else to it. So I think to keep original image you need to upload the actual file rather than pasting an image.
So on my mobile, to save so it is accessible on my laptop, in whatever app I'm in I press "share", then I choose Telegram, then press the Saved Messages "user", and press send. Easy peasy!
hmmm actually this works. I can just create a private discord server since I sometimes use that for other things... thanks!
Macbook -> iPhone via AirDrop. Also if you are logged in to both with the same iCloud account you can copy/paste things across devices.
ahhh no easy way to airdrop on PC. I just wish there was a way to send a gchat to myself...
Unpaid Shilling Time — Lolli is pretty cool. I've been roadtripping all week & am pushing 30,000 sats just for gas. I usually use Love's for gas, but this time switched between BP and Chevron just for sats.
I also patronized Albertson's for the first time in my life just because they offer 3% back, and I got 8,000 sats for my trouble. Used a Best Western for the first time ever too just for the 2% sats back.
I feel like companies could do a really interesting Pavlovian experiment to see how much more business they'd generate if they offer BTCers sats back.
wow I thought for a while that shitcoining is a past thing, but I see now, they came here, even more aggressive. Pathetic. This shitcoining is such a disgusting thing. Sad that they get into SN...
There'll always be more new shitcoiners to replace the old shitcoiners, at least until shitcoins are no more. Did you see UTXO's new twitter thread on that? Worth reading!
Nice thread. Unrelated but I kept scrolling and Jameson Lopp's tweet was great: "Don't accept health advice from people who think the world is over populated"
hey @k00b when will be AMA on SN with Roger Ver? Maybe we could convince him to come to the light... 😂😂😂
Everybody is like "will the price go lower?" They thought it would be quick, but now it's slower I'm not perfect, I'm no churchgoer But before you reap, you must be a sower
Working on resize & crop features for background images at 🙂
Have a good one!
Happy Monday SN!
Big week at CyberHornet as we close off the cloud infrastructure work and get on to the last tickets for the Swarm node software in preparation for the first (v0.0.1-alpha) release.