They're right about this one. Muun is being incredibly misleading. It's an on-chain wallet with a built-in mechanism to pay someone else to do a Lightning transaction for you.
It's a clever mechanism sure. But it's still just an on-chain transaction and calling Muun a "Lightning wallet" is dishonest.
Dishonesty by us gives ammo to scammers...
It allows users to interact with the Lightning network and maintain custody. It’s effectively a lightning wallet for most people.
And their 2of2 setup is a great way to convince normies to self custody when they’re scared of losing their keys.
Don’t think they’ve been dishonest anywhere? And scammers can go fuck themselves - they shouldn’t have to over complicate their marketing because Udi is going to make a snarky tweet
Never use Muun. There are actual LN wallets made by honest people.