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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @justin_shocknet 16m \ parent \ on: How to get rich in 2025. Forget about career. An inheritance is what matters econ
RE: Ownership?
Estates bigger than most countries don't divest of media assets, they use ratholes and trade to obfuscate ownership.
Sounds like the kind of article a nihilist loser uses to confirm their bias.
Should also note that the Economist is a Rothschild owned rag, the same Rothschild dynasty that needs people of the west give up hope, get in pods, and eat ze damn bugs.
BREAKING: Blackmailed lefty journo clutches pearls, gets debonked for 1000th time
Imagine being so retarded that this many years of psyop in, and art of the deal curve-balls, that you'd have such a limpwristed shit take before the the other shoe drops.
The odds of Garlinghouse getting arrested under RICO law are still much higher than the Government stacking XRP.
It really takes the dumbest people in the world to take 0-hour shots after all these years before knowing what the plan is. Trump literally has Brian Armstrong and Peter Schiff making Bitcoin only tweets... MASTERCLASS IN NARRATIVE MANIPULATION
Can't help but laugh too at the buttraged fake bitcoiners that dunked on Trump's "Bitcoin is created out of thin air" tweet years ago, so mentally delayed they still can't comprehend how behind the curve they are.
Not to mention, that if you're a Bitcoiner you're supposed to understand incentive theory. Corruption is to be expected, and thus exploited... THAT'S WHY BITCOIN EXISTS IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Wrong, and it has nothing to do with economics, clearly you're too ignorant on this subject to distinguish from bank charters and economic theory.
If you Europoors need money to spend at home, you can just print money to do it. It doesn't need to be lended into existence first with collateral, you can literally just mint new shitcoins out nothing and put them on the banks balance sheet and call that collateral if you want (reserves). The inflation at home would be seigniorage if you went this route.
The Russian assets are only useful for propping up your otherwise dead currency for a few more months while you import things you need from places that aren't as retarded. Suggesting otherwise is brainwashed eurocuck media talk.
Since you have a child's mind I'll ELI5:
Your monopoly money is worthless because you have no economy, so you need the Russian's money for foreign exchange.
That may be how that particular central bank aims to work, but fiat is literally fiat, collateral is not a pre-requisite... you're making shit up with that out of turn, they could simply use seigniorage if it were purely a domestic concern.
The Russian assets "collateral" is only functional in as far as it provides an ability to import things they need without a complete currency collapse, and it's not much at all.
Lever it with what? there's no difference between that and printing it out of thin air... that might actually be worse because if you lever it and spend it less than perfectly you've magnified the problem by 20x
Maybe you use it to offset a bleed in foreign reserves to import energy from the US, and hope to get a return multiple on that energy by investing in drilling for your own energy... I have no idea how efficient euro energy companies are with capex but I assume it would take a miracle given how poorly they do just about everything else.
235 billion dollars in assets
This covers maybe 6 months of current Eurozone deficits, assuming no increases in defense or energy spending without which they are a defacto client state of Russia... may as well be nothing...
There's an endgame for europe that's not quite clear yet, everything looks so bad.
They won't spend a fortune on defense (against Russia) and also do a large energy deal with Russia as either defeats the point of the other...
Which means...
They can remain a client state of Russia in energy, and the US for defense, but that would also mean the end of the Euro as a currency...
Obviously that's not good either so...
They're bringing in more nat-gas from the US, but is it enough to hedge Russia AND rebuild their industrial base? Probably not...
So that means the UK and Norway really need to drill baby drill, but now the UK isn't even part of Europe technically and my prediction that the UK becomes part of the US is already being teased by Trump...
Ultimately the defense industry issue is just a manifestation of the larger problem, what economy does the EU have left? Can't count on Germany shipping cars anymore...
If I had to guess I'm going to say the EU gets broken up, Baltics end up under Russian sphere because there's no logistical alternative... the UK, Poland and Italy do deals directly with the US as has been the trend... France maintains its own little sphere...
I think the EU is already cooked and we're just watching disclosure be slow-walked.
us here understand these points better than Trump
That's counter to my take, Trump understands this all perfectly, he's an Economist and Jacksonian... even Elon has been throwing down some econ 101...
These guys have far more knowledge than they can let on, classified O-Plans, partnerships with other heads of state, financial institutions etc... they cant just blurt out what the plan is anymore than you go for the king the first move in a game of chess
They've proven by now there is a plan and Bitcoin is part of it, so long popcorn.
Why did they decide to do all that with the cameras running?
What good is a psyop if no one is watching?
That was obvious from your shit euro takes, it's alright though Trump hinted at the UK becoming a state yesterday, as predicted. You'll be ok.
Classic tale of the sword cuts both ways...
When you count government spending towards GDP, to make it looks like it's growing when you launder money, cessation of said laundering causes the GDP to go down. Sad!
This is why the DOGE UBI has to happen, in the short term anyway to maintain some velocity. Since fiat is a ponzi scheme, cutting spending will cause a deflationary spiral otherwise.
Longer term they'll have to monetize the debt, but since the Fed is based on debt they can't do it as they always have... and we know Trump is a Jacksonian on a mission to End The Fed.
Enter the stablecoin industrial complex, a means of converting treasuries into currency without the globalists central bank, and remanding monetary policy back to the US Treasury.
UTREEXO is not block download, it's a different thing with different trade-offs
Actually neither of the assumes are either, you're just skipping validation... this graph is nonsense beyond .12
Telling an intelligence agency contractor operating out of Northern Virginia that his influence on the public perception of the NSA's COIN operation should be less state-aligned while you work for a neobank part owned by the secretary of commerce and working with the Treasury is one of the most unhinged use of virtue-signal-marketing techniques that I've seen in some time.
Kinda respect it.