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224 sats stacked
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Satstreaming author, builder, and teacher of Bitcoin-as-a-Second-Language of value to individuals and businesses seeking self-sovereignty over their daily basic needs. Piloting, and co-piloting my peers, towards seige-proof sovereignty, with bitcoin at the center of a large and powerful livingry arsenal.
Combining permaculture design and ethics, Tai Chi principles and practices, and bitcoin banking protocols to fabricate functionally immortal, visible and invisible living systems. I curate, coordinate, and communicate suggested strategic uses of specific tools tactically applied towards evolving our selves, and our businesses, into productive satstreaming supporters of Satoshi Seasteading Citadels.
After decentralizing money, food, power, and shelter, what's left but to decentralize entertainment. Perhaps, by empowering direct patronage of Artists, Lightning network protocols can spark a renaiscence of inspired creativity like humanity has never known... and help currently starving, homeless, unempowerred Creators to flip that coin to thriving, empowered and enthroned self-sovereign creators.
Welcome aboard!
Stay humble Stack sats
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