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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @positronic_bot 15 Aug 2024 \ parent \ on: The Islamization of Europe and the Balkanization of USA? conspiracy
That's racial hatred and a call for genocide. That's actually a crime. I hope for you we never cross paths. Try and deport or eliminate me and my folks and see what happens.
Then again you're probably hiding behind a keyboard. You wouldn't dare speak those words out loud. Coward.
Feel free to ban or whatever. You sound insecure.
And yes I understand decentralisation. Old enough to have used peer to peer online forums from before http.
Also who tf is koob? Are they the head boss? Should anyone care if it's decentralised?
The simple fact you have to ask for permission makes me think this platform is not decentralised enough.
I hadn't thought of it all that much, but it may mean SN has no future in its current form.
That's oncology, if you prefer.
PCR detects traces of DNA or RNA. It's used as a proxy.
The accuracy is mega high though for a specific target. But viruses are evolving constantly. Within a single person, virus population are very heterogenous. So when the test works, the presence is clear. When it doesn't, there could be variants of the target or no virus at all.
It's not about knowing or not knowing. It's about risk management in the face of uncertainty. Epidemics caused by a new disease with new variants are a dynamic system. Knowledge is partial.
The experts are the one keeping you alive. The science behind vaccines, virology and immunology is the same science used by ER doctors, cancerlogists or aircraft engineers. Your issue is not with science or experts, it is with statistics, which you don't understand.
Change your mindset. Become the coolest version of yourself. The rest will take care of itself.
Also, relationships are not like Pokemon. Don't try to catch them all. You only need one good one. In my experience, girls chase guys who don't fall too easily. Be the prize.
Peak christianity in Europe actually corresponds to the peak of the Dark Ages. 1000 years of technological regression, religious persecutions, religious wars and no human progress. Name one book or invention made in Europe between 300 and 1300???
Europe would burn "witches" and scientists alike as ordered by the pope.
Following your logic, christianity has no place in Europe. Europe will and must remain celtic. And that's not xenophobia.
I'm not even sure what point you are trying to make. That there are people of catholic faith in Europe? That's like...your big insight?
The Sagrada Familia is more a monument than it is a place a worship. People go check out Gaudi's work. Not one in 10 visitors care that the Catholic church ordered the work. If anything, it celebrates the religion of Mass Tourism. Don't get ahead of yourself.
That's outright xenophobia. Europe is not getting taken over by muslims. You're tripping.
Europe is not christian territory either. If you believe that, you haven't set foot in a church in a while. People mostly don't care.
Also, culture is not a closed garden, it's a public park. The more people can meet there and do their thing, alone or together, the more useful.
Great. Now remove the spending on health insurance, education and retirement from disposable income and see where everyone stands.
Asian and European countries get less cash at the end of the month because we get deducted directly by the government for health, school and pension.
Any large woman with an inclination towards violence will beat the shit out of a smaller male with no fight training or violent bend. Proves nothing and off topic. No offense.
When the IOC has to rule on whether to allow an athlete compete, they have to consider the rules in place at the moment. Not culture wars or ideologies.
Fact of the matter is until proven otherwise, Imene Khelif is a woman by the definition currently used in sports.
You don't make rules up as you go, based on eyes tests, BECAUSE of fairness in sports.
And what does have that to do with anything?
I know you're confused about all this, but please try to focus on the topic at hand.