The return of large parts of the world to the gold standard, or at least the prospect of a gold standard ... Gold is nice for jewelry, but has failed several times in history as a reserve asset. 20240317_153648
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Hoards like these are buried during revolutions and wars, and forgotten. ... I wonder what will happen with some of the "hoards" of bitcoin that current holders have. ... Obviously the "inheritance plan" of the people that buried the hoards were not well thought out. ... What's interesting is that researchers could figure out exactly what year it was that the hoard was buried
Hoarding is bad. ... This has driven conspiracy theories — and hoarding — ever since. ... They warn that hoarding is not just caution. It’s caution curdled by a lack of empathy. ... Hoarding is bad cuz credentialed, insider, journalist says so. OK, loser. HFSP etc. ... /items/793537/r/denlillaapan, “Salvation through hoarding
hoarding, was indicted by a federal grand jury on a charge of hoarding gold. ... His “hoard” was ignored, but later his daughter was indicted for gold hoarding, and Thomas announced ... id=R9FGAAAAIBAJ&pg=PA4&dq=gold+hoarding&article_id=3194,738980&hl=en&sa=X#v=onepage&q=gold%20hoarding ... Some officials have suggested that a tax be imposed on hoarded gold. ... #v=onepage&q=gold%20hoarding&f=false Woman in Gold Hoarding Freed, Case Dismissed on Return of Metal
, Chiang Ching-kuo had his secret police comb the waterfront in search of warehouses with stores of hoarded ... I don't know why I'm so fascinated with gold confiscations throughout history. But I am. ... The gold confiscation happened in 1948, the Communists conquered the city in 1949. ... to surrender their wealth to the Central Bank in exchange for the new gold yuan. ... But the gold yuan slipped after a month, becoming as worthless as its predecessor.
And people were hoarding gold so they could trade it just in case the dollar did lose its utility as ... If you have n bitcoins in your hoard, you might be able to sell shares of your hoard at a 3n valuation ... If you convince the world to hoard what you’ve already started hoarding, then you’re in a very good position ... If your hoard grants you these benefits, it can trade at a multiple. ... Like gold coins and raw gold ore of 17th-century colonies.
I also don't think that you have to spend vast sums of your hoarded coins to contribute to adoption. ... are always initiated by the fact that at the beginning there are more and more people who collect and hoard ... Of course, these coins, which now contained less Gold or Silver, were imprinted with the same higher ... Throughout the history of currency, coins have been composed of precious metals, such as Gold or Silver ... characteristics of Fiat money, i.e. the easier transfer through space, with the characteristics of Gold
hoard. ... Whatever method of privatization is chosen, it would result in depriving the US regime of its stolen gold
The U.S. had started the system with a huge hoard of gold- approximately 50% of all above ground gold ... The excess surpluses of dollars all flow back for gold, until the gold runs out. ... The emergence of a gold-dollar system was ostensibly driven by insufficient growth in the global gold ... A run on American gold reserves began as thousands of metric tons of gold began flowing out of the U.S ... ($35/oz) meant that gold was severely undervalued.
that has been hoarding Lego sets in mint condition since 1989! ... Gold In December 1989, the closing price of gold was $403.05 per troy ounce and as of January 28, 2025 ... , gold was priced at $2,762.60 per troy ounce. ... Now let’s look at gold (I used chatGPT on this one). ... So, another stunning defeat for Peter Shiff and the gold bugs, and a big win for the theoretical guy
To safeguard against such risks, individuals hoarding gold should opt for self-custody, storing it securely ... Beware: Paper gold or gold stored in bank vaults presents a risk of confiscation. ... Shiney Gold Gold has long been considered a reliable hedge against inflation, a reputation that dates ... Diversify wealth in gold (Minor stack) and Bitcoin (Big stack). ... While physical gold provides a tangible sense of security, it also poses notable challenges.
@Signal312 sources news written following Executive Order 6102 which forbid "hoarding" gold. ... Top Posts If governments confiscate bitcoin, it'll resemble gold confiscation. ... Gold "hoarders" were persecuted in the 1930's, what will happen with bitcoin?
out what Smith says the purpose of production is—or indeed of the lives most humans want to live, not hoarding ... gold coins. ... YOU CAN'T EAT GOLD. ... how plausible Noer’s implied exchange rate is, but the point still stands: there’s an awful lot of gold ... the economy of the economy of Tolkien's world (well, the Hobbit filmmakers but whatever) and all the gold
The more people this new form of money hoard, the higher the valuation in comparison to all other goods ... are always initiated by the fact that at the beginning there are more and more people who collect and hoard ... This is also the reason why gold and not wheat has been considered money for centuries. ... Gold and Silver are harder to dilute than copper, for example, that's why the first two won out over ... The production of gold is limited because it is basically rare in nature and requires great resources
While these assets are no longer backed by gold assets, they are backed by the “full faith and credit ... They may likely have obtained this hoard as a result of an unfair pre-mine, where insiders got a special
The joy of "set for life" doesn't seem to offset the anxiety from hoarding the huge sum of money. ... motivate kids, spouse with different attitudes toward life after getting rich, potential spouse being a gold
True influence comes from empowering visionaries, not hoarding assets. ... You could be remembered not as a digital gold proselytizer but as a great industrialist. ... By framing Bitcoin as digital gold and lobbying for regulations that favor corporate custodianship, you
bitcoin users almost never used their bitcoins to make payments or transfers, preferring instead to hoard ... So the true believers pivoted and began to describe bitcoin as a store-of-value, or digital gold. ... and digital blackjack tables: Of the types of assets already in existence, bitcoin was not akin to gold
‘If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.’
The more people this new form of money hoard, the higher the valuation in comparison to all other goods ... are always initiated by the fact that at the beginning there are more and more people who collect and hoard ... This is also the reason why gold and not wheat has been considered money for centuries. ... Gold and Silver are harder to dilute than copper, for example, that's why the first two won out over ... The production of gold is limited because it is basically rare in nature and requires great resources
Do you read stuff specifically trying to find new gold-hoarding examples, or is this just serendipity