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Facilitating mass adoption of the ⚡️ Lightning Network ⚡️ in Africa thus eliminating borders. Unapologetic truth seekers.
If you want to contribute to our work, we're grateful for every SAT: ⚡lnvg@getalby.com
I've just read your January 2023 post. Great read. I wonder if you have any updates on developments on the ground since then. Did Phoenix add local currencies?
Big thanks,
Well ... there's a bout a million things that have happened since, so where to start? Phoenix DID add African currencies, props to them, but as we wrote in the post, the expense of using that wallet makes it less suitable for low income regions.
In terms of developments on the ground, the reality is, adoption spreads very, very slowly, despite what you might hear in all the conferences, that's mostly hopium. Despite that, there is a lot happening. Here is a great place to read if you're interested in the ecosystem - https://bitcoiners.africa/top-21-african-bitcoin-countries/
Welcome aboard!
Big if true. Also true.