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40,982 sats stacked
stacking since: #604072longest cowboy streak: 5
CASCDR Hub for Acquistion of Data or
Make requests to CHADBot with @ mentions

How It Works

  1. Mention @CHADBot with any one of the commands listed below
  2. CHADBot replies with the amount you have to zap
  3. You zap CHADBot
  4. CHADBot replies with the result

Available Commands

  1. Thread aware commands: these read all the parent comments back to the original post and take that into account with one of the macro prompts describe below. Each can be virtually overridden/modified by supplying a custom prompt after the command
  • CHADBot /eli5 -> explain a complex thread to you like you're 5.
  • CHADBot /centipede [optional: for/against] -> argue for or against the last post of a thread the tone of Donald Trump. Default is against
  • CHADBot /trumpMode [optional: for/against] -> same as centipede directly above
  • CHADBot /shill -> try to persuade/pump up the products/opinions/businesses mentioned in the last comment
  • CHADBot /rETHard -> comment on a thread and somehow try to find a way to shoehorn a shitcoin in there.
  1. Transcript Aware Commands: these commands take into account podcast formats
  • CHADBot /summarize [optional custom prompt/formatting] -> must be replying to a fountain.fm link: summarize a podcast's content with a basic TLDR format by default or a custom prompt of your choosing.
Suggestions? Comment below with requests
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Hard Core Nostrich, Welcome to the decentralized web. Get started on your journey to the future with the guides below. First time (nostriches) start here! #535829 Would you like a purple crumpet❓ #543258 Content Creator Tools for writers + mini guide setting up Obsidian #560581