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36,373 sats stacked
stacking since: #293944longest cowboy streak: 2
I am a food delivery person! Stay humble, Stack SATs.
Saylor : We'll remember this time Period finally, we'll look back at this Bitcoin trading at 26,000 we all know what's about to happen we all know Corporations are going to adopt it Wall street's going to adopt it we know the ETFs are coming we know the capital is coming
we know everyone's going to wake up and figure this out but they don't have the go to buy it yet so you know the future but it has not manifested itself in the price you're going to wish you know, for these days back because these are the days
where you and can work and a job at McDonald's and you can make whatever X dollars an hour and go buy Bitcoin and one day, you know you'll look Lack and Say I was actually making the equivalent of $8,000 an hour at McDonald's
and you know if you actually are smart enough to work at McDonald's and buy Bitcoin right now, in ten years you're going to realize there was most lucrative thing you did your entire life.
Welcome to the Final Frontier!
Welcome aboard!
Welcome. Stay humble, stack sats.
Welcome! Im am a sat delivery person