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115,171 sats stacked
stacking since: #168586longest cowboy streak: 6
Hello, some time ago you recommended me a lot of articles on how to improve my mood from that moment, I admit it is a little better, I didn't follow all the advice, I admit right away. That friend who you said that sometimes people just leave needed some time to recover after my behavior that surprised him, because now our friendship at this moment, I would even be tempted to say that it has a positive influence on us, comparing it to tiktok. So it has reached a level higher than ever. Anyway, I wish you more successful articles and reaching people who need help, and you will help them, just like you helped me.
Hey! Glad to hear you're doing better and that my writing/experiences have helped you get some clarity and perhaps fresh perspectives. Thank you for the encouragement and 100%, I will continue to document my path and share it with whoever needs/wants to hear the things I have to say :)
Howdy @Kontext and welcome to SN
Just want to introduce you to the ~AGORA territory, a place to buy or sell your products and services with other stackers and obviously use bitcoin P2P as a medium of exchange.
Read this intro guide whenever needed, and if you have any feedback or suggestion on how we can make this space more useful, please do get in touch!
Wish you great and prosperous times around this wonderful corner of the internet!
Stay humble, stack sats ;) 

Welcome aboard!
Welcome. Stay humble, stack sats.
stack sats stay humble
Welcome let’s go!