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Do you do fasting? If yes, Why?
-It seems all the ethnies/religion/... around the world did , are doing it
I try to to follow this steps which are:
-a gap from 6-8h between each meal,
-try to eat twice a day (depend on the activity of the day),
-one day a week (no food) just water
We are in the mid-1970s. David Bowie, emaciated and drug-addicted, lives in Los Angeles. And he's in the midst of a bad trip, reports Libération (french newspaper). In his limousine, he constantly believes he's being followed by the American police. According to rumors, he now only eats peppers, milk... and cocaine. He covers the walls and floor of his villa with cabalistic signs and pentagrams. He interrupts an interview to light a black candle. A body has just fallen from the sky; he's the only one who saw it.
His excesses catch up with him. "One day in California, I had a nosebleed. Half of my brain escaped. Something had to be done," he declares at the time. Bowie crosses the Atlantic, settles in Switzerland, then moves to Berlin, in the midst of the Cold War. The beginning of a new era.
The concept of blockchain was first introduced in 1991 by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta, but it gained popularity with the launch of Bitcoin in 2009