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534 sats \ 0 replies \ @bitcoinplebdev 18 Feb \ parent \ on: Learning to code: My MVP as inspired by PlebDev devs
Amazing thank you so much for the thorough feedback!
I agree with you in general about the JavaScript portion. This is a big jump and ideally I would like to do this in more baby steps (probably 3-4 individual lessons). I am planning on updating / improving the starter course soon (this was the first version and I actually filmed it in a single weekend lol) so a lot of little improvements I want to add!
I'm generally not a fan of quiz's (and it's a lot to build into the platform) but a few people have suggested it so far so I'll consider how it could be done easily.
Coding exercises are something that is a little more realistic and doable. There are repo "submissions" built into the platform so I could lean into this more (requiring submission for most lessons) but also embedding a codepen directly into a lesson is possible as well.
The lesson tracking can be a bit fickle still... In general it should trigger a lesson as completed after 80% of the video has been watched but this doesn't always trigger correctly. I think I will add a manual checkbox to allow you to mark it as completed if the auto lesson tracking doesn't work. I know progress is important and I want to make it encouraging and seamless on the platform! Still a ways to go.
Things will keep improving, thank you again for the support and feedback!
Dude yeah great to meet, and thank you! I wont dox you don't worry haha
I'm following you on Github now so keep pushing commits and let me know if you get stuck again ๐ซก
Sorry about the trouble... Wanna jump on call today? I think we can figure this out in a few mins probably
This is a super common Git authentication issue! I have to do some googling everytime I go through this process myself, it's kind of annoying...
- First, ensure you've configured Git with your GitHub email and username:
git config --global user.name "Your GitHub Username"
git config --global user.email "your@github.email"
- Create a personal access token (PAT) on GitHub:
Go to GitHub.com โ Settings โ Developer settings โ Personal access tokens โ Tokens (classic)
Generate new token
Select repo scope
Copy the generated token
- When pushing, use HTTPS with your token:
git remote set-url origin https://YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME:YOUR_PAT@github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/YOUR_REPO.git
Finally you can try:
git push -u origin main
If you're still having issues, verify:
- Your GitHub account has write access to the repository
- You're using the correct repository URL
I'm thinking about it but i've seen a lot of UX nightmares with lnauth, do people actually want and like lnauth login? Maybe if it's just a backup or recovery auth method?
It wasn't until I built it! It is a home for ALL of the plebdevs content and communications. There are courses, documents, videos, feeds, most free, some paid, all zapable! (psst also it's nostr client)
Oh yeah this took a few iterations and I still have some cleaning up and consolidating to do but it feels nice to have an easy oath process for any kind of device and to not have nip07 as a limiter for moving between devices.
20.5k sats \ 4 replies \ @bitcoinplebdev 3 Feb \ parent \ on: Learning to code: My MVP as inspired by PlebDev devs
Awesome, thanks for the progress update and feedback! The feeling of stacking repos / commits is one of the coolest things, it's like building a canvas of knowledge and work slowly over years I definitely wanna help every new dev get addicted to that experience.
- Yeah code shortcut can be weird on different OS's, mine on mac will just stop working lol
- This is when you were sending a zap on the course or lesson through the UI? Can you tell me what browser you were using or if on mobile and how you paid? The zapper app integration has been a bit shaky, I'm gonna be doing my own full e2e implementation of zaps soon.
- Yeah I need to like record myself doing this in a lot more detail and on multiple OS's probably. Honestly this process is so confusing and easy to forget I had to watch a tutorial myself before recording that lesson ๐
I appreciate the feedback this is helpful AND encouraging to know people are going through it and finding value! This is just V1 of the starter, I will redo it and improve it at some point soon cause I know how important it is to have an empowering and fun intro for this stuff and these little blockers can be so devastating for that hah
Let's go that's awesome to hear! Let me know if I can help you with any questions or bugs during the process!
Everyone is different but from my experience protocol development topics have become easier after learning app development first. It's a great way to get your journey started with a lot of cool potential projects out there to build on Bitcoin/Lightning/Nostr.
I think a native stacker news app is a great idea! If you get stuck with understanding the existing fork you're starting with I would suggest building it from scratch yourself and starting with a basic API integration to just pull in all of the items and make it work read only at first. Not sure what languages you're familiar with but going the Javascript -> React -> React Native route is probably the easiest for making Native apps (in my opinion) but PWA's are awesome as well!
Check out plebdevs.com and click the "Learn to code" button to get into a free coding starter course!
Ok yeah there have been issues rendering videos from my CDN on Firefox, trying to work on a fix but it seems to be from the browser?
11 sats \ 7 replies \ @bitcoinplebdev OP 4 Jan \ parent \ on: The New Plebdevs Experience is here! devs
Thanks! Can you send me error or screenshot?