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10 sats \ 0 replies \ @cactuscoins22 21 Oct 2022 \ parent \ on: I'm Peter Todd, cryptochronomancer/web-π dev, AMA bitcoin
Cool, thanks for the insights there!
Can OpenTimestamps be paired with geographic tracking or maps? (I briefly skimmed the info at the OpenTimestamps link above but did read everything so please excuse if I missed the answer to my question. OpenTimestamps looks amazing!)
Boltz looks great and I am looking forward to using it. Thanks for doing this AMA and providing info on fees in the FAQ of the site. Over time, as Boltz gains more use, will fees likely decrease or stay the same?
Sometimes finding good partners to work with can be difficult. What was it in the team members that launched Fedi that helped you feel that you could work together and be successful?
Encouraging or collecting donations for a legitimate charity that actually serves a useful purpose is good and has a few benefits: 1 it actually helps people 2 it demonstrates global efficiency and utility of Bitcoin 3 is popular to cover by news media as it is a feel-good story.
I cannot stress enough that the donations and organizations must be well respected and helpful or else the news coverage would be more negative content if the organizations were perceived to be unlawful or having ulterior motives.
Good question. Not sure if you can destroy it, but faith in it and comfort with it can be redirected to something else, such as BTC and the related mentality.
Best way to do this is TV shows. I am totally serious about that. When an athlete gets paid in BTC and shows comfort with that in an interview, that shifts faith and comfort. If a sitcom character were to pay for a coffee with Lightening Network, that would shift the faith and comfort of the masses. Just like a sweater or pair of boots worn by someone on TV can instantly galvanize 100k people to buy that same fashion in the next 6 months, so can the demonstrated use of BTC shift fiat mentality to the use of Bitcoin. Homer Simpson buying a Duff with sats could do more than any well written evidence based article could. Just my opinion, that is most likely absolutely correct.
For onboarding new talent into bitcoin, is there much space for anyone without any coding experience or education? That is, can Bitcoin be a place for someone to start in coding?
Running a node on Deezy looks sweet and I would like to do it sometime soon. Is there any chance the minimum amount to start would ever be less than 1 BTC or 0.005 BTC for testing?
Hmmm…good point. My recommendation would also have to be a long lesson in saving or hodling until more payment and purchase options are available. TBH, my post was somewhat meant to be humorous and poke fun at the way many, but not all, modern parents are obsessed about their children seeming the brightest and having the most potential.
You made a good point and I am sending some sats your way.