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10 sats \ 0 replies \ @handsome_latino 12 Aug 2024 \ on: (Special Edition) Meme Monday- Best SN Meme gets 10k sats meta
Original meme by yours truly:
Especially as I am currently trying to deal with a bank issue #642169 and lots of stackers stepped up.
Haha me encantó tu respuesta.
Pero man el ceviche, arepas, y otros platos se dan duro con platos mexicanos.
Sounds good. So you can withdraw to your own bank overseas but don't have a debit card? I don't apply for debit card ownership based on their countries.
Check this reply: #643182
You should be really careful with Mercury. Don't keep too much money there (I don't)
Finally someone who gets it. This is exactly what happened. Many friends had their accounts closed after the Trust Evolve thing. Thank you!
Hi Natalia.
Because I don't really have any friends in the US, and if I do they're not really into bitcoin. They'd think I'm running some kind of black market scam.
You're right. I could create the offer and post it here, with a good % commission for anyone who accepts. I don't post it on HH or Robosats right away because I don't think anyone would agree since I don't have a reputation and said problem with ACH.
Yes a business account for an LLC. And yes they are saying I need to have proof of US-based customers.
Not sure, but they are rolling out this change (maybe not to all users, who knows).
First two fellow developers got said email requiring that. Recently I got it. Their accounts got closed when they tried to transact between their LLC and personal account.
I have a screenshot somewhere but just giving you a heads up that it might happen.
After Silicon Valley Bank they seem more strict, or maybe it's regulations who knows.
True, but Lima is around 20 celsius. Singapore is 30 celsius and incredibly humid. Taipei is 37 degrees.
It's near impossible to be outdoors for too long in many cities of Asia right now :(
Viva México cabrones!!!
Not from Mexico but many friends of my friends are.
La comida es lo mejor ;)
I WFH yes.
Currently happily unemployed after I was fired from one contract and fired the other contractors for a few months.
OMAD was absolutely crucial but the most important was to remove sugars and starchy carbs. I cut them cold turkey. I think I'll make an AMA tonight about it.
Because I cannot send funds from a personal account under my name to my company account.
I don't care about the company info
When I tried Wise they didn't allow people who are residents from the country I am from (even if you have an EIN). That might have changed so I'll take a look.
Wise I believe does work. I just wanted to keep my account as I've been using.
Thanks, I think your answers are the best. Enjoy the bounty 💰
The belly is gone. I went from wearing M-L to S. Waist 34 to 28.
You look good in a suit. That's a good idea to just keep them at your workplace.
Sorry, I left the important part out, question is:
Did you manage to get comfortable wearing a suit? I find it amazing to see people wearing a suit in sweltering heat, but at some point I think people who get used to it feel the same as those who don't.
I go to Japan often (sometimes a few times per year) and learned Japanese when I was a teenager. I was supposed to go for Phd there but luckily didn't.
My favorite that makes me chuckle when I have to use it in the clown world with my clients is
git commies
co = checkout
cob = checkout -b
com = checkout master
commies = checkout main
st = status
adddd = add -A
cim = commit -m
pushoo = push origin HEAD
br = branch
po = pull origin
hist = log --pretty=format:\"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]\" --graph --date=short
type = cat-file -t
dump = cat-file -p
ws = diff --check
ciam = !git add -A && git commit -n -m
pulloo = pull origin
rename = branch -m
showalias = config --get-regexp alias
delete = branch -D
f = fetch
edit = config --global --edit
undo = reset HEAD~
Not really any need to stay with them.
But as far as we've tried, only Relai and another smaller one allowed to open it online only. We've tried plenty of them. Relai is missing many things that Mercury has (for example Relai's debit card often doesn't work withdrawing on ATMs, and they don't allow ACH transfers to most banks).
I visited the US once and was denied by Wells Fargo. I had all the documents, EIN, and all. They told me to visit another branch like a million miles away. My friend succeeded with BoA and WF but only going there physically, and because he had friends who worked at the bank. I'm not planning to go anytime soon.
I'm kind of out of ideas and wishing not to complicate it, hence why I'm looking for options.
BTW appreciate your time and energy to reply