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To the stacker.news admin: Please add lightning: link to the LNURL-Auth QR code for easy authentication via mobile wallets. Why scan or copy-paste when the wallet can be triggered by clicking a link? See lnmarkets for example.
DONE! Let me know if you have any issues or want any other features. I want to make this thing bang for bitcoiners.
Tried it and worked like a charm!!! How does boost and up vote works?
Wonderful 🙏❤️
Worked! Thanks
I didn't realize that was a thing. Will do
Same issue with invoice...
also please support autodetection when making a desposit.
What do you mean by autodetection?
visit https://lightning-roulette.com and try to make a deposit and you will see a link that says "open wallet".
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Ah perfect. Thanks!
Not sure that's the best example. Take a look at https://lightning.gifts/ for a better UX.
in some sites you get a button that when you tap on it offers you to open a lightning wallet directly, and then past the invoice directly and when you pay it come back to the app.
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