Every other sentence in this propaganda piece is a boldface lie! But, no publicity is bad publicity: as @woonomic states: this is a absolute dream.
Huch, dupe of #100587
Created this post on mobile and didn't see the detected dupe because my keyboard did hide it. And when I scrolled down for submitting and saw it, it was already too late.
Yea I just noticed the same so I might as well add my 2 sats again. They know they’re full of crap. Probably got paid in btc to publish this wannabe hit piece.
Pro-tip: if something is actually irrelevant, the European Central Bank wouldn't need to loudly say so.
Sure. I am so glad they are so ignorant. Somebody with twitter account, please show them this, how bitcoin IT IS USED as payment all over the world, here just some examples: https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/bitcoin-lightning-irl-examples
Cool, is Bitcoin dead again?
The negative impact on customer relations and the reputational damage to the entire industry could be enormous once Bitcoin investors will have made further losses.
The ECB should encourage experimentation considering we are suffering from 10%+ inflation and we need solutions immeditately. But instead they are trying to influence people to not experiment, and why? Because there is risk? What is wrong with that?
Bitcoin in itself is secure, i mean the integrity of it is extremely high. But how do you value it? Its valuation fluctuates widely, but how is this Bitcoins fault?
Wow. Quite possibly the worst article I've ever read on Bitcoin.
Nice summary from @satoshinaka069 here: #100840