Hey stackers!
Couple of days ago I asked stackers for an advise on best services offering LN swaps to receive coins onchain. First of all I’d like to thank everyone for their engagement and numerous suggestions.
I’ve decided to give back to the community and share the results of my practical experiments in swapping LN sats for onchain bitcoins. I’ll be sharing the basic options suitable for users, holding their LN sats with custodial services - wether it’s wallets, such as BlueWallet or Wallet of Satoshi or web apps, such as Alby or Coinos. If you’re running own node or would like to check out a deeper dive down this topic, please consider reading @DarthCoin 's blogpost here.
The options below will allow you to generate LN invoice, receive sats and withdraw onchain coins:
Deezy – the cheapest option I’ve managed to find. Sending 100k sats costs ~700 sats. Provides an option to choose miner fees, allowing to save funds when willing to wait
Fixed Float – more expensive service. Seems cheaper, but the trick is they do not include miner fees when showing the amount to be received in the calculation window. Swap costs 1% + network fees.
Boltz – yet another exchange. Swapping 100k sats costs ~6,500 sats
Wallet of Satoshi – custodial wallet allowing to send/receive both LN and onchain coins. Swap costed me 7k sats, the fee is fixed but depends on how congested the network is. May be beneficial in case of large swaps. (Muun wallet is an alternative)
LNtx bot – handy for Telegram users. The bot uses Deezy for performing swaps. In my case charged 700 sats (same as Deezy) + 311 sats (which I assume is FiatJaf’s cut 😂)
Coinos – handy service with multiple use cases. Charges depending on network congestion – One of the swaps cost me 1k sats, the one next day cost 3k sats.
The choice is yours.
I’ll say that until I encountered such a question from some of my fellow comrades I didn’t even think of sending LN sats back onchain. I always put them into action either through buying some cool stuff online, tipping bitcoiners, listening to pods and paying a few sats per minute etc.
Hope this was useful.
Thank you so much. I asked the same question here a couple days ago and didn't get a satisfying answer. Except from some trolls condescendingly telling me to run my own node.
happy to hear this was useful. unfortunately not everyone is able to run own node and the problem is not necessarily about lazyness -- could be lack of funds to purchase hardware or even electricity problems
The post is 6 hours old, you mentioned the word "Muun” and this comment section isn't a shitshow yet??? 😱
muun sux
👍 utility informations
[FixedFloat] Swap costs 1% + network fees.
Actually FixedFloat also has a 0.5% option if you're willing to allow the exact amount received to be calculated at the moment the conversion actually happens, rather than locking in a price.
Great post @Tony.
In my case, if I moved funds to LN they are not coming back to onchain...
Same here.
Beautiful post, I'm currently using Fixedfloat and Deezy. Both are great options BUT, let's just say you put a gun and force me to choose, I'd go with Deezy.
Deezy is my personal favorite. love the option to choose miner fee.
How is Deezy in term of privacy ?
it's not asking for any personal info if that's what you mean
This is quit informative ... thanks for sharing