Yesterday I had a meeting with my mom's 76 year old stock broker regarding her estate. It turns out he is an old time gold and silver bug. I was discussing one of my nephews, and he said "just tell him to stay away from crypto." I feigned ignorance, and he said, "you know, the crash." Then he said, " I almost bought it for the first time recently." I asked, "bought what?", and he said "bitcoin." He said "I have been watching it since 2016 and it's low now, but I'm waiting for it to go lower." I asked how much it was when he started looking at it, and he told me $400. I then made my amateur attempt to orange pill him, and we had a pleasant conversation, but I doubt he'll ever get off zero.
People can surprise 🙂 Sometimes it's one word, one gesture that makes something click. Keep orange pilling!
I'll keep trying. He was tempted to trade some of his gold bullion coins for bitcoin, but he couldn't pull the trigger because "the coins were so pretty."
Maybe consider creating a gift card at & loading it with sats 😁
Then you can print it on a nice paper, cut it out. Could be a gold coins design 😅
Pretty. And it's Bitcoin.
Good idea, but this guy is pretty wealthy. I can't afford to gift him enough sats to make an impression!
Could be just about enough to get a bitcoin book or something 🙂 Getting to interact with the Bitcoin network and lightning is much more valuable