Hey stacker news & bitcoin plebs. Wen can we have a texting/chatting/private group messaging service through stacker news? From my understanding if you use a vpn you're already anonymous on stacker news, so why not 'level-up' so plebs can ditch twitter DMs and signal? Wen? WEN??
Great idea. Let's get that done, Stacker News!!!
We'll get there eventually. We're just approaching 1000 monthly spending users. One to one interactions are likely not to have much usage until we're a bit larger.
We think doing things like improving the daily discussion thread to be more chat-like will probably be higher impact than DMs right now. Then a lot of the work we do on that we'll be able to translate into DMs.
How about groups where stackers can communicate to each other while others can read-only?
What's the use case for that vs DMs?