I have to be honest, its over.
This standard of living we have, the internet, its gone.
It may take 10-20 years to fully disappear, but we are past the point of no return.
The main reason is that productivity has been completely destroyed, and without a productive economy u cant have things like electricity and internet for everyone. Why is productivity gone? Its a combination of inflation, and not recieving raises that match it, the terrible leadership in government, i mean look at for example Biden, he is a total downer. There wont be a good person taking his place or any of the hundreds of thousands of positions in government.
So there wont be a solution, because free speech has also been shattered, meaning people wont recieve information neccesary to keep our civilization going really.
So thats just off the top of my head, but, u should prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Caus the decline is active, and its going to get worse and worse until many people are dead from starvation and cold. And then we start over, you see we never really left the middle ages. We just got some more advanced technology, temporarily, but its all squandered, and we are resetting back to those times and populations that match, because thats what sustainable. Not what we have today, not by a long shot. Take care.
While I understand the sentiment, I recommend you step away from the black pills, do some pushups, visit El Salvador, and chill. Things will be fine because we're going to make sure they will be fine.
You sound mentally ill.
yeah id ont think things are going to get that bad. if youre really worried go get a mountain home with solar pannels and solar heated water and self sustaining whatever along with extra everything to last you as long as possible. i also hope you have a large family to leverage the little manpower youll end up having.
things will get bad but not as bad as you make it out to seem.