This is extremely problematic.
The whole point of Bitcoin is to be decentralized and to eliminate the need for trust.
You're suggesting people trust you to run their own nodes for them? That's insane.
Cloud nodes open a vector to attack. You shouldn't trust anyone to verify your Bitcoin for you.
Any commercial business will need cloud hosting or an enterprise grade on prem solution for running a node (or offering endpoints). Especially taking into account things like failover, redundancy, power, etc - there are a number of challenges to run a business on a 'self hosted' node.
It is great to run a self hosted node locally (I run bitcoin core on my computer), and to go one step further to verify transactions on your own instance - but beyond personal use, cloud or a data center setup is almost a must have.
And $100/mo+ is not at all unreasonable
The only route to each individual running their own node requires iteration from where we are, to where we want to be.