I'm not talking about be a SEO/Google slavery, but about valorizing the work studying the user behaviour and applying basic metadata / brands / semantic / accessibility / usability rules that are useful in a lot of contexts, not only the "main" search engines ones.
Not puting "OBW" on an H1 in the github page or on the app name in the Play Store is simply a missing opportunity without any benefit, so formally an error.
On this point of view SEO is for smart people that think about a tool and use it properly for a better finality.
All these, IMHO.
OBW is already on play store. Only that google like to promote first shitcoin apps. Did you scroll down a bit and see that is there?
The whole SEO is a fucking mafia...
It is on the play store but it is not findable at all for "OBW". Post a screenshot if is different for you, perhaps the algorithm is language sensible.
Did you scroll down a bit and see that is there?
Yes, till the end :)
The whole SEO is a fucking mafia...
It seems a bit toxic approach, isn't? Why don't take the better part and go on? Let's talk about accessibility, SEO should follow as natural effect.