Whilst he may not be wrong, this is an example of the kind of thinking so common against elites which I personally hate. Free speech matters, a lot, it's the bedrock of our civil society and it's being destroyed by these elites misusing the power that the current internet gives them.
Nothing wrong with measures to stop Sybil attacks, but a "check" program is not a distributed system or cryptography construct, he's talking about registered identities - which is anathema to Bitcoin - and vetting who can talk.
('I don't want bots' might seem innocuous but it just isn't that simple.)
Saylor has never impressed me because he's way too full of himself, and too certain of himself. He seems to have little respect for the privacy and rights of individuals, which is really at the heart of Bitcoin's origins (see: Wikileaks payments, the first use case. Would he support that? Fat chance).