There are many reasons why people should make their own seeds when gardening. Here are a few of the most important ones:
1.Sustainability: By making their own seeds, gardeners can help to preserve the diversity of plant species and support the sustainability of the local ecosystem. When gardeners use seeds that are sourced from local plants, they are contributing to the conservation of native plant species and helping to maintain the genetic diversity of the local environment.
2.Cost savings: Making your own seeds can be a cost-effective way to garden. Buying seeds from a store can be expensive, especially if you are growing a large garden or trying to grow rare or exotic plants. By making your own seeds, you can save money and invest in the long-term success of your garden.
3.Control over the quality of the seeds: When you make your own seeds, you have complete control over the quality of the seeds. You can choose the best plants to use as seed sources, and you can carefully select the healthiest and most productive plants to use as the parents of your seeds. This can help to improve the overall health and productivity of your garden.
4.Knowledge and experience: Making your own seeds can be a fun and educational experience. It can help you to develop a deeper understanding of the biology and ecology of plants, and it can give you the knowledge and skills you need to grow a wide range of plant species successfully.
5.Self-sovereignty: Making your own seeds can help gardeners to become more self-sufficient and self-reliant. By growing their own seeds, gardeners can be assured that they have access to high-quality seeds that are adapted to the local environment. This can help to reduce their dependence on external sources of seeds, and it can give them more control over the plants they grow in their garden. In a broader sense, making your own seeds can be seen as a form of self-sovereignty, as it allows gardeners to take ownership of their food production and to be more independent in their gardening endeavors.
In conclusion, there are many good reasons to make your own seeds when gardening. By doing so, you can help to support the sustainability of the local ecosystem, save the hardest money in the world, control the quality of the seeds you use, and gain valuable knowledge and experience. Making your own seeds is an important part of being a self sovereign individual, increases your independence. Bitcoin is low time preference, making your own seeds is applying this principal to the fundamentals of our society.
I like it!
I thought for sure you were talking about rolling dice and creating your own private keys. Your post is metaphorical, right? Either way, nice post!
I thought the emoji was a good giveaway haha
Have to admit, this isn’t what I was expecting when I clicked the article
Sounds like a chat gpt response
Lol, you guys are saying that on every text now? Do I need to use more colloquial terms and slang now?
Surprising how fast the world changed ... with a technology we kind of had for years? That's kinda weird if you think about it.