This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
New profile pic
What about having a way to see stats per post - like how many people viewed it and clicked on it? There could be some semi-hidden button, like "details" or just "⋮" next to the post header that would pop up a dialog with details?
All in!
Chairs and curtains still...pfft.
In other news - I'm working on a small bitcoin related retro game. Anyone willing to do a bit of pixelart sprites with a bit of animations?
I think everything is written by a robot now?
I was going to reply with a snarky chatgpt written response but got "ChatGPT is at capacity right now"
What better day to stack sats than a saturday
Still liking bluewallet for mobile! Zeus comes in second only because it doesn't support onchain wallets directly, and the UI could use some help
I had something in particular I wanted to talk about, but somehow forgot along the way to actually finding thread.
And now I recall!
I wanted to laud the rush I get whenever I come to the site and somehow my wallet has grown. Such a pleasant shot of emotions.
That red square next to the bell...
Good morning stackers, hope everyone is doing great today, seems like a beautiful sunny day is on the horizon, starting my daily dose of caffeine and to catch up with BTC, some good news about adoption in South America, one country at a time gang, be well everyone and enjoy the day.
i m going to install and to test Wallet Sparrow with Whirpool...
First time using stacker news on my phone. Going to try to make this a habit now.
I only use it on my phone it’s super easy if you bookmark the page to your Home Screen. Soon as the bsats app enables tipping I will use the app
I think I only read SN on my laptop for the first few weeks. I switched to using it on my android phone with Brave browser and it's been great. I looked forward to an app, but now believe that using it through the browser is fast and easy.