The custom tip dialog available when a bolt is pressed and held now has autofill buttons. This way you don't have to type a lower/higher amount every time you do a custom tip.
What about using the buttons for increases instead of autofill? So on open, it shows 0 sats and then you can use the buttons to increase it by 1, 10, 100 etc.
This way you could tip any amount of sats without using the keyboard by only pressing buttons.
Currently, I still have to type if I want to tip 30 sats.
This means the default tip rate has no effect when using custom tips which may be intuitive since you are tipping a custom amount.
1180 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 10 Dec 2022
Also, there is a slight overlap in the buttons on mobile:
Thanks! Forgot to test it on mobile
Hmmm yeah that may be nice. I think the UX here is pretty fair game.
The best existing example of an app where you regularly input arbitrary numbers is probably calculator apps.
Maybe we do something like that.
Maybe you should just show the native numpad. Currently, the input field assumes arbitrary input. Shouldn't it already only show the native numpad if the input type is correctly set to only allow digits?
You mean showing a numpad? Mhh, yes, that could work but maybe overkill 🤔