This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Everyone is sleeping on Atomic Finance!
Feature Request:
When a post contains a link to an image, display the image.
At the moment this doesn't work, for example this link:
Additional post types #9 is one the first Issues in SN's Github repo.
I tested positive for COVID-19 yesterday. I'm a bit beat up but I expect to recover quickly. Mostly just sensitive body feels. No work for a few days. Here's hoping to getting a couple things done at home.
Hope you feel better soon. Things have been vastly different since Omicron. I haven't had to call the ICU about a patient since early March.
thank you. I'm on day 2 of feeling weird, but happily the only other symptom I've developed is a weak headhache. My body seems to have chilled out, so to speak. No night sweats last night. I've got my fingers crossed I'll be good by Sunday.
много одинаковых новостей))) 1 000 000 человек выложат одно и тоже))) это стоит подметить и сообщить о том что есть такая новость и поднять на 2 сатоши для понимания что это ссылка имеет уже копию на сайте !!! что скажешь?
Everybody needs humility. No one is perfect.
That reminded me of a quote someone I knew put into their status when I still went to school:
"Nobody is perfect. But I am nobody"
Damn, teenage years were cringe.
Was most likely just a joke but still cringy in hindsight
Some days it seems like I get an exorbitant amount of sats rewarded, like today.
Seems like you can stack a generous amount of sats just upvoting stuff? I do my best to give it all away...
Yeah by far the least competitive reward bucket is upvoting.
Good morning gang!!! Hope everyone is enjoying hump day, weekend is right around the corner and the market seems green today, enjoying my caffeine dose with some cookies and getting ready to see my students, enjoy this beautiful day gang, be well and stay frosty!!
Today I will give you the chance to insult me and say whatever you want against me. This is your only chance to shit on a bitcoin toxic maxi and get sats for it. Best arguments against my toxicity will get rewarded.
Let's see what you can do.
Your toxicity is not as toxic as you think it is.
You are right. Exactly about this I was thinking few days ago, feeling that I am not enough toxic for what is needed.
Bitcoin doesn't scale. We need 500GB sized blocks in order to compete with Visa.
Bitcoin is already ded.
Is @F still here?
If I had a sat for every brain you didn't have, I'd have 1 sat!
You can do better. Everybody have one brain only, but each one is using it in its own way, more or less. Nobody will have all the knowledge ever existed in their brain, that is impossible. We are learning every day something new.
Yea. I don't actually have a critique. Principles are important.
I would ask your opinion about the value overflow incident and the imminent unix timestamp bug.
How many changes induced by bugs will you tolerate?
The chain has been rolled back before. Do you support chain rollbacks?
Nice opening. I'll bite. It is interesting that the premise of no government control relies on voluntary actions of people. Which would mean that people are by default good. Fair enough. However, the entire BTC ecosystem (or all the other shitcoins) is build on top of utilizing people's greed in order for it to function. Go.. :)
people are by default good
Indeed. If each sane wo/man will just respect the natural law (do not steal, do not do harm, do not kill), the whole world will be better. But many people do not know that this low exist even before they even existed. Is the law that cannot be changed.
Once more people will understand this statement, all shitcoiners are gone.
(where is your insult or attack on me?) 😂😂😂😂
True true. No need for insults:). Your instruction materials are very good and greatly appreciated.