Ok yes far more on Discord and the rest, agreed, and perhaps my response was a little OTT
I wasn't aware that stacker news was exclusively English language though
And, respectfully, I don't agree about the 'lack of respect'. Learning a foreign language is difficult, and very time-consuming.
Sometimes it's easier for one to put their point across more eloquently in their native tongue.
I'm with @k00b, in that I wouldn't want anyone to “just go away” because their language is different. The fact that idiots on Reddit can't handle a foreign language (hurts their brain) shouldn't affect policy in a service such as SN.
EDIT: nothing about English Language in the faq: https://stacker.news/faq
There is Google Translator, isn't it?
A jak nie ma nic o tym napisane w powyższych miejscach - to powinno to zostać poprawione. Chyba że chcemy tu mieć Wieżę Babel :)
not because: "their language is different" but because: stubbornly not using Google Translator (which is good enough nowadays)
заставить использовать речь через переводчик???
я это пытался сделать ...
он меняет смысл сказанного! перевод на другой язык превел к непонимаю собеседника и долгим выяснениям отношений в разговоре.
Думаю что Вам необходимо скачать или установить новый или усовершенствованный переводчик с языка а на язык б .
вот например одна и таже мысль на двух разных языках...
"the blue sea is deeper when the wave is high синее море глубже когда волна высока"
"the blue sea is very deep during high waves голубое море очень глубокое во время высоких волн"
It doesn't make any sense.
If translator may changes the meaning of what is said - your stubborness only change the place where translation is made into another language, and still led to exactly the same misunderstanding of the interlocutor. Even worse, you lose control to correct in case of not perfect translation.
I will agree with the point that, as a reader, it is more convenient / easier for me, to have everything in one language.
I don't agree that anybody should be encouraged to use Google services.
use services you like