So, I want to start moving to near-zero fiat, and would like to start playing around with using prepaid debit cards with bitcoin. The best online solution I have found seems to be Moon, but they don't provide physical cards. What physical debit cards would you guys suggest? I really want to maximize privacy and security, although I know there is always going to be a level of that you give up using fiat.
Where are the "privacy advocates" now? Why they do not say anything about this?
Where are the coinjoiners, samourai maxis and all those screaming all days: self-custody, not your keys, not your coins, privacy first etc...?
You don't say anything about these fucking visa cards? Oh these are not violating any privacy? So using SN sats or lntxbot sats or WoS sats is not good, are "custodial" but using a damn fucking visa card that is verifying even your DNA is OK....
The Bitcoin Company provides a similar service and even more goodies. Run by great people too.
I think a reasonable stepping stone is to use cashapp as your debit / banking. The company is publically pro-bitcoin and it gives you tools to stack with your fiat purchases (such as rounding up a purchase to the nearest dollar and buying btc with the change). Cashapp also gives access to both withdrawing at ATMs and depositing cash into your account (I can do so in my local area at any 7/11 in the area). You can also receive your fiat job direct deposits into cashapp. basically means you can cut out a traditional bank completely. Of course it is not full bitcoin privacy, not even close but an important thing to remember: Don't let perfect be the enemy of better.
The beauty of moon was that the cards expire after 60 days or they were spent. So that stuff you bought from a sketchy website wouldn't drain your bank account!
Visa is the enemy of commerce. That's why the removed moon.
Why people love to go back to fiat slavery all the time?
I really don't want to, but tools like these are necessary stepping stones. The goal is to eventually spend bitcoin directly, but that takes a whole lot of time in helping businesses convert. That is a thing I am working on in my local community, but in the mean time I want to be able to eat and still get the benefits of living on a bitcoin standard. Because of that, it's useful to be able to convert to a format people already use. Eventually, if all goes according to plan, I won't have to use those tools at all and will just buy everything with sats. For now though, its a necessary evil
You will NEVER help local businesses to adopt and take btc payments if you still go to their shop with a fucking visa card.
Have patience, give them education, give them a reason to accept, give them documentation.
Meanwhile do whatever it takes to pay directly in BTC, buy exclusively from those merchants that take it directly.
Going back to fiat is NOT an option! Fiat is slavery! By each payment you do with fiat, you support slavery
Thanks for bringing in this meme.
I do a cashback credit card. Buy stuff through the month, pay it off at the end of the month (so i dont pay interest), and then use the cashback to buy bitcoin. Debit cards suck.
Yeah I want to do this as well but the friction to Pay bills then the whole issue with taxes. I’m so tired of the fiat game but you need it it appears to survive.
Moon is also US only
There used to be Nuri in the EU but they imploded after Celsius
Revolut allows storage of paper bitcoin that you can transfer into fiat currency as needed.. You can't use it as a BTC wallet though
you can get a magstripe card writer on AliExpress and blanks.
Moon is a terrible idea.
Tldr; Business guy had terrible security, main dev let the world know and also was cut out of the deal badly. Happens to devs often.
если продавец не может получить биткоин за товар значит проблема в продавце... если покупатель не может предоставить биткоин проблема в покупателе!) всепросто!