No.. it's actually quite horrible.... humans are a bad source of entropy. Nobody should ever do this. NEVER!! Terrible advice... really... Shouldn't we know better by now??
Humans aren’t the source of entropy. The EGG is. You would need to spend more than 1 minute on to learn this, but it is there and clearly explained.
Humans aren't providing the entropy though, right? The Border Wallet starts with the entropy grid:
Entropy Grid: A randomized grid of all 2048 seed words.
Border Wallets: A New Way to Create and Easily Memorize Bitcoin Seed Phrases #55763
Anyway, using this for Nostr is a risk I might be more willing to expose myself to than using this for my bitcoin wallet. But I get your point.
Humans aren’t the source of entropy. The EGG is. You would need to spend more than 1 minute on to learn this, but it is there and clearly explained.