They already pay for each post. So in order to post on SN they must buy sats. So make it hard for them, harder and harder. They get what they fucking deserve.
Always so aggressive with the poor shitcoiners. In my opinion, they are the ones that need more help, they are so confused about a lot of things.
In one side you claim about the importance of education and you developed great guides in multiple languages. These people need us more than anyone else, they've been scammed and tricked. Hope you can find some light to show from the Darth Side.
No. Nocoiners need education. Shitcoiners had their chance and but they throw it away. I have no remorse for those that came here only to try to shitcoinize. If they repent what they did, there's a chance, but if they continue with their shit mentality, will find out my wrath.
😂love the link, and you are so right. The one but is imagine that you know nothing about the industry, and the first thing you watch is a video of Charles Hopkinson explaining why Cardano is the best for example. He is good at what he does, and from there you are putting your effort in learning the wrong things, reading shitcoin articles etc.
That person is just lost and need a guide.
A mitad del camino de la vida, en una selva oscura se encontraban pues su ruta habían extraviado.
Ellos no sabrán repetir como en ella entraron pues dormidos se hallaban en el punto que abandonaron la senda verdadera.