This doesent need to be said, because it wont change anything. But in the future, if LN continues to grow and gain adoption, as well as BTC as a whole, then it will most likely be used as a settlement layer. Because picture for example Steaam deciding lets let the users play around with this thing. Let implement Bitcoin so people can tip each other and so on. which will be particularly usefull in the steam workshop where people currently rely on external providers such as patreon and what not to tip mod developers and what not. But with Bitcoin steam could implement an internal wallet that keeps track and allows people to tip each other sats within the steam community. And then use lightning or on-chain to withdraw to maybe a non custodial wallet or another service where they spend their sats. So essentially this makes lightning a settlement layer. Its never going to be the protocol the powers micro transactions or even most other transactions, they are still going to take place "off chain" or "off lightning" imo and then the protocol will just be used when sending money between services and what not. But lets see. have a nice day.
Actually the fedimint project would agree with you
Lightning is layer 2, to service 8 billion people we will need layer 3
All this shows that you still don't know how LN works. Please, before having any opinion about something, read, study it and learn more about it. Then you can have "an opinion". Otherwise is just bullshit.
If everybody in the world moves to a Bitcoin standard everybody cannot be running their own nodes. Opening individual channels for 8 billion people even with some batching would crowd out other activity on the chain for years. Do the math.
Having something like islands of Fedi users connected by lightning channels is needed for a global Bitcoin economy. If that level of adoption is not a goal, and Bitcoin is only to be used on the fringes, we probably don't need Fedi.
Thanks for the tip. I hope you enjoyed the guide.
Uncle-Jim banking has different trade-offs than Fedi but I agree it's feasible too during the next 10 years.
Fedi is for "onchain-maxis". I am a "LN-maxi". We are not the same. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ну будет внутри там крутиться 1000 монет... в другом месте 1000 монет... и так далее... все нормально ! все монеты туда не положат.))) ты положил???