Thanks for the link :)
Keep up the great work!
I love that it uses Iced, Rust GUI has come a long way. I'm partial to it because it can cross-compile to either desktop or WebAssembly, and it uses native windowing on desktop so there's no "copy of Chrome" situation like in many desktop apps these days.
This looks GREAT - I can see this functionality becoming standard in major wallets!
Here's the Tweet that kicked off the Twitter thread where Liana was first shared:
Introducing Liana, by @Wizardsardine. A new type of Bitcoin wallet built around Miniscript: it feels like any wallet BUT it has a big difference: you have a recovery path after you stop moving funds for a while. What does this mean, practically? -> backups -> inheritance 1/n
This looks great, I think something like this can really take off when it comes with a few best practice predefined setups and instructions that handle 95% of situations.
E.g. The family setup: X keys, give 2 to siblings, 1 to parent, 1 to C, etc...
The business setup: X keys, key A for co-founder, B for.. C for...
The corporate setup: etc...
I'm really excited about this... When the approach is ironed out a bit, this should become a BIP, so the different wallets are interoperable...
Jeez. Is there a user-friendly way to use this with my Ledger wallet?