This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Added linked Twitter accounts to profile search over Nostr
Santa if you can get BIP merged in to core would be a great gift to all Bitcoiners
The BIP324 proposal for an encrypted v2 P2P transport protocol received an update and mailing list discussion for the first time in three years. Encrypting the transport of unconfirmed transactions can help hide their origin from eavesdroppers who control many internet relays (e.g. large ISPs and governments). It can also help detect tampering and possibly make eclipse attacks more difficult.
Any recommendations for a good, easy to maintain nostr relay on Ubuntu?
Hardware is an old laptop with 8GB RAM, 128 GB SSD and Core i7-5600U cpu.
I should be doing some housework today but I can't get off nostr ⚡ Has anyone here tried it?
People literally are live streeming sats to each other with lightning and it's 🔥
Wooo doggy! Cold in Austin today. Makes me wish I had a fireplace.
Oof. Stay warm buddy. Got down to -4° F yesterday where I'm at and my face got numb after going outside for only a few minutes
Oh man, brutal!
Walked ~30m to the office today in 14F. My face was the worst part.
Continuing to work on the new editor. First step will be to get it to do all the things I want, then it’s making the toolbar UI/UX good, then allowing people to opt out of it and use the old markdown method instead.
Today is a good day. 🤳
Good morning gang!! Hope all is well, Christmas is just around the corner, got the stuff for the dinner all set so will be a busy day tomorrow but today it's just going to be about relaxing and enjoying my nice hot cup of Java and perhaps do some last minute shopping but we'll see, be well my friends and stay frosty, it will be a good Friday!! Stay focused and stay on target
Just tipped some fellows sats here for the first time! Feels awesome tbh 😎
Hoping to make it to the end of the day, but if it's slow at work that can prove difficult. Otherwise, four day weekend ahead. I hope to make more progress in learning about the linux Terminal. The last bitcoin brunch of the year, with our second annual sat swap, and a bunch of bitcoin magazines to give away, this will be a very festive meetup.
I been doing this too. Knowing Linux really helped me with command line
Будем готовить елку к празднику) герлянду к огонькам. новогоднии шапки и елочные игрушки!) Новый год впереди))