I don't need anybody's permission to breathe. Are you out of your mind, asking for a privilege to breathe ?! Must be the clot shot you got that makes you so dumb with these kind of messages.
U got it all wrong! Never asked for anybody's permission to breath.
Pay me no mind, user. Ain't no clot shot here. Value for value not issues that are untraceable!
What is the definition of the word "privilege"? You use words without knowing their meaning?
A. a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed by a particular person or a restricted group of people beyond the advantages of most: the privileges of the very rich. the unearned and mostly unacknowledged societal advantage that a restricted group of people has over another group e.g
  1. white privilege based on skin color;
  2. male privilege;
  3. children of privilege.
B. a special right, immunity, or exemption granted to persons in authority or office to free them from certain obligations or liabilities e.g
  1. the privilege of a senator to speak in Congress without danger of a libel suit.
C. a grant to an individual, corporation, etc., of a special right or immunity, under certain conditions. the principle or condition of enjoying special rights or immunities.
Since you don't control the world's narrative, even the Bitcoin stuff u are not a core personnel, kindly fill me up where am missing than giving me this so much negative energy.
Really! Direct this energy to SBF #FTX