サトシ ("Satoshi" in Katakana) or 覚 ("Satoshi" in Kanji) Means "wisdom" or "sense" in Japanese. (source) ナカモト ("Nakamoto" in Katakana) or 中本 ("Nakamoto" in Kanji) is. From Japanese 中 (naka) meaning "middle" and 本 (moto) meaning "base, root, origin".
Base=Agency Wisdom=Intelligence Middle=Central
What do you guys think? What are the chances a 3 letter agency started Bitcoin?
The translation is interesting but what would the motive be for the CIA?
Not necessarily CIA, could be FSB too, same flow of the acronym Central - Federal Intelligence - Security Agency - Bureau
I think it's just a nice conspiracy theory. The establishment wouldn't screw their own fiat and fractional reserve banking system by launching something as solid as Bitcoin. Also I kinda trust Satoshi with his genesis block message, it was the biggest mic drop of all mic drops in history.