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Operation Saylor - Episode 6/120

Hi again and welcome to another episode of the Operation Saylor. This is update number 6, corresponding to December 2022.
If you are reading this for first time, you might want to check Episode 1, where my plan and details are explained. That will get you in context.


  • BTC stack: 1.4692 BTC
  • € stack: 1,169.20 €
  • Current total value in €: 24,382.36 €
  • € into BTC: 30,000 €
  • Paid back to bank: 1,831.00 €
  • Outstanding debt: 42,113.33 €
  • Installments to go: 115



Finally, month #6 has arrived. This month is a significant milestone since it marks the ending of the ramp-up phase and becomes the start of the next one: gliding down the loan payback with my bitcoin stack.
This month I made my last purchases and I will not be buying bitcoin again as part of Operation Saylor. In the last months, I have been able to secure 1.4692 BTC, with an entry price of 20,419€/BTC. The recent lows in November and December have helped push this down quite a bit (thanks Sam). As a result, out of the 33,000€ I borrowed from the bank, I'm left with a bit more than a thousand.
Now, Operation Saylor enters a new phrase. As a reminder, the plan moving forward is to keep on paying the installments, while selling bitcoin as-little-as-possible, as-late-as-possible to have euros at hand to face the payments. I call this the gliding.
From now on, you will see a new chart in the stats sections with the amount of bitcoin I still own. If all goes right and bitcoin keeps appreciating in value, the downward slope will be increasingly smaller, and I will be able to face the next 9.5 years without running out of bitcoin. If all goes wrong, the line will abruptly go down before that and I will be left with no bitcoin and an ugly debt with the bank. Only time will tell. In some of the next episodes I'll present my simulations on how things could go.
For now, the line will stay flat for a few months. With the small euros cushion I still own, I will be able to get by until April of 2023 without touching the bitcoin stack. Then, the bitcoin selling will begin and the line will start falling.
Wrapping up, I close the ramp up phase with a smile. I have no intent to time the market since I don't think I can, but looking at certain metrics, it looks like I might have gotten lucky and started this idea pretty close to rock bottom. To have snatched a coin and a half is simply great. There is obviously uncertainty, but at this point, I simply feel hopeful about how the future looks.
Thanks for reading as always, and I'll see you around next month.

Previous episodes

I could bet you'll end up with 1 full BTC at the end of this!
For you? How @pillar's Operation Saylor ends up?
You have balls and or ovaries, Im in a lot of unsecured debt right now and have used it to indirectly stack a lot lot more sats, I plan on pulling the sam hyde technique and not paying. I understand some of our situations are unique HOWEVER I believe we should gamify getting into debt to buy bitcoin to destroy the fiat system
Very cool experiment- appreciate you documenting it and enjoy the casual writing style. Keep it up!