Hey everyone, @ThrillerX_ here. Interested in finding out what stackers believe are the top stories of 2022? Now that it's been running for over a year, it be cool to see some SN links that stackers think went unnoticed but are highly relevant in top 2022 news items.
Also, there is a top/post category, in case anyone is wondering. https://stacker.news/top/posts?when=year is available here.
The Great Purge of shitcoins.
  • FTX fraud exposed
  • GBTC discount
  • China mining ban
  • Texas summer and winter grid stabilization with miners' help
  • Canada & NY state mining moratoriums
Theses are great! Also Canada trucker donors with frozen bank accounts
All time high hashrate during a bear market
coinjoins getting demixed and the flippening of bitcoin by monero on the darkweb
in february Laura Shin published an article about how she discovered who the dao hacker was because chainalysis can demix wasabi coinjoins. https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurashin/2022/02/22/exclusive-austrian-programmer-and-ex-crypto-ceo-likely-stole-11-billion-of-ether/?sh=7c70e18b7f58
Wasabi users have been caught up for at least 2 years by law enforcement prior to Laura going public: https://scribe.rip/wasabi-wallet-mixing-is-broken-566f3726ff45
Samourai's oxt research demonstrates how easy it is to demix wasabi:
Samourai already knows the xpubs of all users by design of whirlpool https://fullycrypto.com/samourai-and-wasabi-exchange-blows-over-de-anonymized-accusations
Samourai's binaries are also not reproducible from source: https://walletscrutiny.com/android/com.samourai.wallet/
you can read an article I wrote about all of this in august, but it is behind my LN paywall, so it will cost you 300 sats: https://narrativerry.xyz/blog/2022/08/27/hello-world/
Since hydra got busted because bitcoin can be demixed dark webs are going monero only, and it is snowballing. just look at dread or reddit darkweb forums. https://cryptogemtokens.com/monero-is-replacing-bitcoin-on-darkweb-heres-why/
Top of mind newsy news stuff for me is FTX stuff, Lightspark, Lightning "tokens" gaining support, FED rate hikes, and Bitcoin accelerators coming online.
Has lightspark made a peep since the summer?
No, but top news seems different from ongoing news.