When lnd crashes, the first thought of most people is to find a way to restore the channel, and closing the established channel is usually not the first thought. But Bitcoin security is the most important, so the first step is to confirm whether the channel.db is damaged, usually there will be a message in the log, if it is damaged, even if you can find a way to repair it, don’t do it, because the repaired database cannot be trusted , you may lose bitcoins. If there is any suspicion that the database has been compromised, you should use the 24 words seed to restore the wallet and submit channel.backup to close the channel.
This is my personal experience with crashes, whether using umbrella or raspiblitz. Please treat the opening and closing of channels as normal and don't panic.
There are multiple ways to restore your dead LND node and you are absolutely right: panic is not helping at all. Patience and analyze well all the options and cases.