I got many. The latest was INCORRECT_OR_UNKNOWN_PAYMENT_DETAILS. Before trying to send the 1k satoshis ($0.46), I see the fee is 1.77 and the total is 1001.177. Currently I have a single channel through CoinGate.
Trying to create a 1k satoshi channel to this site (the address provided at the bottom?), and I get Unable to open channel: 2 UNKNOWN: dial tcp: address ...: no suitable address found.
I'm using Zap 0.7.2 Linux Desktop.
Earlier, I tried creating a channel through Zap and then funding the account (lightning invoice?) provided but got a different error, which I can't remember now.
I should also mention I barely know what I'm doing.
I was just able to use Zap to send 1000 sats to SN from my home node. My channels have lots of inbound capacity. Others have been funding their wallets in the last few hours.
INCORRECT_OR_UNKNOWN_PAYMENT_DETAILS is weird because this sounds like the invoice is corrupted. Are you copying the invoice, scanning it, or clicking it?
I'm copying it using whatever feature is built into the website to copy it to the clipboard.
Here is what I copy/paste:
When putting that string into Zap, I see the relevant information (funding amount of 1000 satoshis to address 03cc..., memo of 1000 sats for @abetusk on stacker.news).
I just assume it's something weird with my setup. I guess desktop lightning wallets aren't that common. I see some issues on Zap's GitHub page that are similar to mine and occur for the desktop whereas Android or iOS look to not have these issues.
I'm using Zap v0.7.2 instead of the more recent v0.7.3 or v0.7.4 because both v0.7.3 and v0.7.4 crash on my machine.