When you use a hardware wallet, you can write the seed and initial address, then reset the hardware wallet and restore with the seed. Check to see if it's the same address. When you're done with it, you won't have to worry about damaging your hardware wallet.
Similarly, when you use umbrella to build a lightning node, you can open a channel with a very small amount of funds (10000~50000 sats). Back up your seed and channel.backup , then delete and reinstall your node, using the seed and channel.backup to restore your funds. Although there is a very small probability of operational errors and loss of funds. But experience is priceless. Once you have practical experience, you will not panic at critical moments.
I would add: When buying a hardware wallet device, go ahead and buy 2 of them. I know it is more money but it makes it supper easy to test your backup with having to reset your one and only working device.
Also if one hardware wallet dies you will not need to wait for a new one to be shipped and delivered.
Ah, it's just that a LNURL-Auth logged in newbie does not see the free comments of others like him. Makes sense. Sorry for spam @k00b
Yeah, free posts/comments are hidden from users who don't have Wild West Mode or Greeter Mode enabled in their settings. They are unhidden when other users upvote them.
And I see that I do not see the comments from other accounts. Are LNURL-Auth newcomers being moderated? Who is paying for this? @k00b please answer.
On trezor at least (only hw wallet I'm experienced with), there is an option to test your seed phrase without wiping the device. I agree testing on another clean device feels more legit
Thinking we should invent an international 'test your recovery seed phrase' day.
I don't think it needs a test day, but how to recover a wallet is something everyone should have practiced. Because when you need to use this skill, you may be tricked by scammers on the Internet.
Scammers are a real threat.
But i see (perhaps naively) that more awareness and education benefits everyone.
That is exactly what these international days do. They promote awareness. E.g. world backup day is March 31st.
Yes, this is a good practice for noobs to test backup / recovery plan. Good advice!
Opsec should be another part of bitcoin that shouldn't be taken lightly especially on Lightning (pun intended)
Testing to find how your node works is good and experience makes the best knowledge. Noobs are usually afraid to spend any funds they have, why isn't a sandbox environment made to test this procedure to perfection.
People treat real money differently than fake money, otherwise we can use testnet for testing. If it's just game points, you don't take them seriously. The current testnet environment is actually for developers, not for novices. Novices can get less testnet information. If you just want to know how it works, you only need to use testnet for testing.
Great advice. If you haven't test your backup plan, I would pretty much say you don't have a backup at all.